Monday, December 7, 2015

New Beggining

starting some thing new

we were given a new task of modifying the square-bot, its new goals are stated in the previous log. So first is what are we planning on changing and adding to the robot. My first thought is to place another motor to move a hook arm attached to the chassis, the only down side is how are we gonna move the robot and the arm at the same time .

Friday, December 4, 2015

We Fin.......ish... No Okay

We Fin.......ish... No? Okay

 Well its finally done our nightmare is finally over. Its be a rough path and many fails but we finally manage to finish. I say we did pretty decent for our self but it is what it is. We now will embark on a new challenge which is to program the robot to pick up a triangle shaped object and place it on a pipe. Each pipe has a different value for example one has 50 point and another has 20 etc. But we finally finished the nightmares are over.